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Thermography is a wonderful addition to our screening tools. It is safe, painless, contactless, and does not expose the patient to radiation. It provides a way to look at the body and detect imbalances very early in a disease process when they cannot yet be detected by other methods of testing. Early detection offers the opportunity for early intervention and preventative care.

Thermography is an FDA-approved, state-of-the-art medical screening used to identify inflammation in the body. It uses no radiation, compression, injections, or other invasive methods. Instead, it uses an ultra-sensitive, high-definition digital thermal camera to detect surface body heat and translate these findings into images of skin temperature, inflammation, blood flow, and metabolic activity. Inflamation in the organs, nervous system, and immune system are represented as thermal changes on the skin.

Inflammation is the primary indicator that the body is working to heal and repair itself. It is also a precursor to many diseases (cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, arthritis, etc.). Thermography is the only screening tool that provided a digital map of inflammation within the body. Due to its sensitivity, thermography can detect changes or imbalances in our bodies very early in a disease process and this early detection provides the opportunity to treat disease more preventatively.

While it can be used for all parts of the body, thermography is most widely implemented for breast health screening. The procedure is a painless, safe, contactless screening tool that can show breast changes at all stages. Many women are now utilizing this technology to screen their breasts to obtain a baseline, to look for early disease processes, and to track interventions that aid the body in clearing inflammation and disease.

Breast Thermography Benefits

  1. Imaging for Younger Women:
    Approximately 15% of all breast cancer occurs in women under age 45, and it is often one of the more aggressive forms. Mammograms have difficulty detecting the cancer due to the denseness of breasts in younger women. Breast thermography offers this age group a valuable imaging tool that isn't hindered by density. HealingSpace suggests women begin regular thermography breast exams at age 25.
  2. Individualized Risk Care Assessment:
    Although family history is a risk factor, 75% of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of the disease. Certain thermographic markers can warn a woman that she is at risk.
  3. Breast Cancer Prevention:
    An imbalance of hormones can sometimes cause increased activity in the breasts, which can be detected with thermography. Since this can signal the first alert for breast cancer, HealingSpace can run further tests to verify these findings. 
  4. High Sensitivity Imaging:
    Thermography detects activity, whereas mammography detects masses. This distinction means that thermography can detect activity 5-8 years before it would be visible on a mammogram. Thermography also helps reduce false positives by showing if an area of concern is active. It also can be used as a tool to track the progression or regression of a lesion in the very early stages. 
  5. Better Screening Area:
    Thermography can detect cell changes in the armpit region, which is an area that mammography does not always screen.

If cancer is caught and treated in its earliest stages, regression rates can be greater than 95%.
Thermography does not replace mammography. Instead, these tests complement each other.

Inflammation can point to multiple disease processes and medical thermography is a great indicator of these imbalances. Thermography can screen the following with no radiation, no contact:

  • Head and Neck
    • Sinuses
    • Dentition
    • TMJ
    • Carotid Artery
    • Thyroid
  • Breasts and Respiratory System
  • Bladder
  • Cardiovascular System
  • Abdomen (GI Tract and Reproductive System)
  • Muscular and Skeletal Systems (Arthritis, Orthopedic issues)
  • Varicose Veins

What to expect during your Thermography appointment:

  • You will undress in a private, climate-controlled room to allow the body to acclimate to room temperature. Only the areas to be images will need to be undressed. 
  • You will be in front of the imageing camera and the technician will be behind a curtain verbally guiding you to proper positioning. You will need to sit, stand, and/or hold your hand up on top of your head for a number of images.
  • Your reports are interpreted and completed within 1-2 weeks. You will recieve a complimentary visit to go over the results.

Breast Brushing Technique:

Breast Brushing Instructions Handout

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